Candy Cane Gala 2021
The Alberta Children’t Hospital Foundation comes up with a concept and theme for the Candy Cane Gala and I create a wordmark, visual identity and overall look for the event materials. The designs usually include a sponsor book, invitation, program, signage for the event, tags and stickers, and small designs that change from year to year depending on the event.
Once I have the basic look and feel for the year, it’s then passed on to the lighting, decor & event company to turn the space into a magical event for parents and kids.
This year was very different! With the arrival of Covid 19 - the Foundation was not able to host a large gathering for their fundraiser. They came up with the brilliant idea to bring the Gala home. They asked if I would be able to help create the look and feel for their at home event. I came up with the word mark, invitation, sponsorship package and went from there. I designed a giant box that the foundation filled with food, snacks, games, and entertainment that would be delivered directly to the patrons door. We then designed an interactive website that had activities, raffle, auction, videos, live streams of the host for the evening, a dance party, sponsorship recognition and much more. The Foundation did a great job to pivot with this event, raise funds for the kids and delight their patrons.