Social Venture Partners Calgary

Social was the concept for this Social Venture Partners Calgary annual report. We wanted to keep "social" top of mind for this piece. The intro pages focus on social needs in Calgary - social assistance, social insurance, social conscience etc. The second half of the book focuses on SVP partners who help and fund organizations to make social changes. We partnered with Sundog Printing to create 2 books (the annual report and a note book to use at the AGM), a case and a financial statement fold out. We wanted this piece to feel important and special but not too over the top for a not-for-profit so we went with a smaller size (6" x 5") on an uncoated stock and had a full double page spread dedicated to Roth & Ramberg Photography, Sundog Printing, Anders Svensson and Zinc Ventures thanking them for their generous donations of service.

Printing: Sundog Printing
Photography: Roth & Ramberg Photography
Concept collaboration and writing: Anders J Svensson